U.S. Sports Envoy Talks Mental Health during COVID-19

October 15, 2020

Time Out for Mental Health
Facebook Live Event Recap: Friday October 9th

A conversation with the NBA's Kevin Love & former WNBA player
Chamique Holdsclaw


The COVID-19 global pandemic has placed health at the forefront of everyday conversations around the world. When it comes to mental health, there is still a lot of stigma but open discussions on this topic can strengthen communities in the U.S. and around the world by creating awareness and acceptance, and finding solutions.

On Friday, October 9th, the U.S. Department of State’s Sports Diplomacy Division hosted a Facebook live session around mental health awareness. This event is one in a series of engagements around mental health and sports, in partnership with the Office of Global Health Diplomacy and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) Office of Alumni Affairs.

This episode focused on destigmatizing discussions around mental health in sports by featuring two well-known and very successful professional basketball players talking openly about their struggles with mental health in a discussion moderated by the Sports Diplomacy Division’s Dr. Ashleigh Huffman. The event recording can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1031349870663737.

To learn more about State Department Sports Diplomacy, follow the program on Twitter @SportsDiplomacy and Facebook @sportsdiplomacydivision. For additional information on the Office of Global Health Diplomacy, follow them on Twitter @GlobalHealth@State. Join the conversation on Twitter #sportsdiplomacy, #exchangealumni, and #healthdiplomacyusa.

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