Results are Tagged with "English Access Microscholarship Program"

Ask An Access Teacher: Teaching in a Mixed Ability Classroom

Screenshot of video's title page with title and question

What motivational strategies can be used in a multicultural class with mixed ability students?

Access Alumni Serve as Interpreters During Medical Mission

Through the Access alumni's interpretation services, medical volunteers were able to provide 1,600 Guatemalans with medication assistance.

English Access Microscholarship Program Celebrates 10 Years

group photo of access participants

Watch a video that features The English Access Microscholarship Program (Access) participants talking about the program and its impact.

10th Anniversary of Access Awards Alumni with U.S. Visit

The English Access Microscholarship program (Access) is celebrating its 10th Anniversary with a U.S. exchange opportunity. This rare occasion brings 23 of the program’s highest-achieving alumni to the U.S. for a two-week visit during which they will demonstrate and improve their leadership skills through meetings with top USG officials as well as directors of various NGOs and representatives of American educational communities.

Access Student Aspires to Be the Change

Through the English Access Microscholarship Program, Walter Morales has had the opportunity to study English and U.S. culture in his country for the past two years.

Supporting the Next Generation

Supporting the Next Generation Through English Language Learning.